Thursday 29 March 2012

What is the best class in MW3?
This is a difficult question to answer because in this Call of Duty the weapons are more balanced than every before and the best class really depends on a persons style of play and the game type they are playing.
In this article I will declare my best class which in my opinion is suitable for all playing styles (expect sniper).

Best class in MW3
  • Primary - ACR w/ suppressor (weapon proficiency = Kick)
  • Secondary - FMG9 w/ akimbo
  • Perk 1 - Sleight of Hand
  • Perk 2 - Assassin
  • Perk 3 - Marksman
 The ACR is the best assault rifle in MW3 in my opinion. I have also found that if you don't use suppressor and the Assassin perk together that I get more deaths in a game.
Sleight of hand also reduces your number of deaths because it cuts down value seconds in reloading time.
Marksman helps me to notice targets at a distance but I'm still not convinced if this is more valuable than Steady Aim.
Steady Aim is important when I'm using the akimbo FMG9 because it improves the accuracy when shooting from the hip.
I always take out my FMG9's when I enter a building that I suspect will result in close quarters combat, the FMG9's give me a huge advantage against anybody no matter what gun they are carrying.

Strike Package
I like to use the Assault Strike package, the problem is most of the rewards can be shot down and I've noticed in recent weeks that players are focusssing on shooting down killstreak rewards more often than they use to.
My assault package choices are:
  • Predator Missle (5)
  • Attack Helicopter (7)
  • AH-6 Overwatch (9) 
With killstreaks adding to your killstreak again in MW3 I have this combination because getting to 5 kills in a row is reasonably easy. Once achieve I can use the Predator Missile to get me my 6th and sometimes 7th.
If it only delivers my 6th than I play very cautiously get the 7th. This unlocks the Attack Helicopter.
At this point I hide up and let the Attack Helicopter get me 2 kills and bring me up to 9.
Once I let the AH-6 Overwatch with the Attack Helicopter airbourne as well I can then run around the map like a looney.
The Overwatch will deal with any enemies around me who don't have Blind Eye and stack up kills very quickly.

MW3 Guide
For a really good website full of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Guides visit www.mw3-guide there is also a great guide on the best mw3 class.